Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Pajama Game: Play review

Hey look here another review. Yay! And it’s something besides a book. Yay! So today I am going to be reviewing the Play: The Pajama Game. (Spoilers but the play was written in 1957 so I am pretty sure you don’t care).

The Pajama Game, takes place in a Pajama factory in Cedar Rapids, IA. It takes place during a 7 and ½ cent dispute between the workers and the company. The play goes on and the dispute get settled. The end. I could do an in depth analysis of the story but instead I am going to be talking about what cool things happen in the actual show.

So the music is amazing by the way but one song in particular stands out to me, it’s called Hey There. (Warning the original singer on Broadway sucks) the song itself is very well written but there is something special about this song. So whoever is singing the song basically sings into a Dictaphone, (an old school tape recorder) and after he finishes singing stops the track, rewinds it, hits play, and then starts harmonizing with himself. It is one of the coolest things I have seen in a show for a long time.

There is one gripe I do have with the show and that is the writing. Man the writing in this play is horrible. I am in it so I have actually read through the script, and we have actually had to re write at least like twelve of the lines. Don’t get me wrong there are some really funny moments in, but for the number of funny, laugh out loud moments, there is some that you just don’t want to hear about. Like women getting blanked in the forest. Not allowed to say the worded that I blanked out because it’s a high school blog. And even though the writing is horrible I understand why. The play was written in 1957 when women were treated more like objects than they were people.

So with that another play review done and gone just like wind and with it another amazing play back to the mysteries of the wild. So let’s hope that this gave you an inside into more plays.        

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