Thursday, April 7, 2016

Making Lore

Ah, it is finally time for my true nerd to show through. Today I am going to be talking about lore in literature. This blog is mainly going to be a Q and A about what is and how to use lore.

Q. First off since I know a lot of my readers aren’t nerds I will have to explain what exactly lore is?

A. So in layman’s terms lore is basically the back story to what you are writing.

Q. Secondly, what exactly can you use lore in?

A. Lore is mainly used Video Games, but I have also personally seen it in books, movies and comic books.

Q. Now what do you actually use lore for?

A. Well lore is mainly used for things that don’t fit into the main story, or other ideas you have.

Q. What is considered lore?

A.  Lore can really be anything, extra characters you could put in your story, backgrounds that you couldn’t fit into the main story, or even whole universes that just couldn’t fit in to a single story. So lore can really be anything that didn’t fit in to the main story.

Q. How do I write lore in to my story?

A. This is kind of a multiple step answer and it really depends on how much lore you have for your story. If it is just a very small amount I have seen a few authors just put in the back of their books, or with video games I have seen them put them in random papers around your map. Now if you have a lot of lore and I mean a lot you can do a few things. You could write a completely different story based on the back story that you created, or the other thing I have seen authors and video game creators both do is create like a book of lore for their stories. These are usually written like survival guides written by your main characters. The main thing with lore is that you want to make sure your lore is easily accessible, but not directly written in your game.

I know there is many more things I could write about creating lore, but I can save that for a rainy day. But I promise this will not become a direct series, if I were to da another one it won’t be for a while.      

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