Saturday, April 16, 2016

Rejection in General

Hey you probably thought you would never see this title again. Well I have had some interesting things happen in the last few weeks so I want to be able to talk to you guys about that.

So I have decided to turn in a few of my plays that I have written to my schools literary magazine. I will not know if my pieces have made the cut for a few days, which I really don’t mind. But I am prepping myself just in case they do not get selected which there is a decent chance of happening. So why am I telling all of you this, well because if you go into something prepared to fail then you kind of give everything you’ve got. Let me give you another example.

I have mentioned this earlier I am part of my school’s show choir tech, and we recently went to show choir nationals. Now I mean preforming at show choir nationals is a big honor in itself but our show choir hadn’t been having great year. We finishing pretty low in competitions so when we went to nationals none of us thought that we were going to make finals, so we gave everything we had because we thought there was no way in hell that we would make finals so we put our blood, sweat, and tears on that floor, and by some miracle when ended up making finals. I mean we placed last in finals, but we were facing schools all around the country, and we won best tech crew. So sometimes going into something prepared to fail and giving everything you have because you have nothing to lose is sometimes the best thing to do.

If you go into something thinking, oh I am sure that we will make it so we can save everything for later can and will most likely end up backfiring on you. So going in cocky and not giving everything is worse than going in ready to fail but giving everything you’ve got, because there is that small light at the end of tunnel that you might just barely reach.

I know this one didn’t really focus on literature to say the least but you can apply this to really anything. But if you want more about failure and actual literature go to my second post ever titled Writing and Rejection. You can find some more information there.    

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