Sunday, April 3, 2016

Copyright Pt 1

Hey guys, so today we get to talk best and worst thing in literature, copyright. Copyright, a two sided coin, both evil and good, dark and light, peace and hate, it can be force that helps people and a force for to destroy people. Today specifically I am going to talk about the place where copyright is most debated, the internet. And where in the internet is copyright most debated, YouTube. (I am going to get so much hate for this one).

So personally I have started up a YouTube channel to get my musical talent out there, (No there is no link to my channel, I will not stoop that low, if you would like the name ask in the comments) but I have run into a small problem, copyright. See I do drum covers, so I am required to use music, but whenever I put out a video I get flagged for using copyright. Which doesn’t really make sense to me. You see drum covers are considered parody, which is protected under fair use of copyright. (This has been a huge thing on YouTube recently so if you want to learn more about the situation going on over there I would recommend just doing a search on YouTube for it, a lot of people have covered the subject a lot better than I can). So why am I getting flagged when I am not breaking copyright?

Before we even get into that I should probably explain what copyright is. For those of you who don’t know, copyright in layman’s terms is basically a system used to protect people who create things from other people are trying to steal their ideas. But there is a minor problem when it comes to YouTube and the copyright system, it’s completely automated, so there is no human interaction. So the problem going on at YouTube is basically, people are placing false copyright claims on other people’s work (which I have had happen) to steal their ad revenue (the way YouTuber's make money). Which is very harmful to those content creators. And since the system is automated, it is almost impossible to refute that claim.

So is copyright one of the worst things in the world? Should we just out right get rid of copyright? You will find out in the next part of this not at all dramatic blog post. See you then. 

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