Like I said in my last blog you would
start seeing a lot more topic from The High School Author and here is another
one. Another one of my favorite posts from their site is “simple dialogue”, and
I feel that it portrays the author’s beliefs on how dialogue should be written.
Now I want to talk about how dialogue is so important.
Dialogue is one
of the most if not the most important thing when it comes to writing, because
if you don’t have dialogue you really don’t have a story. Without dialogue you
can’t move your plot along, and you couldn’t have details.
First off without
dialogue you don’t really have a plot. See when you use dialogue you have
characters talking out problems, making tensions, etc. but if you didn’t have
it you could only tell a story by saying what was happening and that is pretty
much it.
Ok let’s say
you do make a book without any dialogue, first off very impressive and secondly
it is probably going to be one the most boring books anyone will read. Without dialogue
you can’t get detail in there and it is just so boring. You can’t have any
action, or adventure, because all of your characters are now mute.
So there are
my reasons why I believe that dialogue is important and yes I do that this was
a very short blog but since my last blog was a monster I thought I would take
small break. And if I missed anything really obvious please leave a comment so I
can make it better.
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