Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why Sharing Your Ideas is Imporant

     Again I was browsing through some blogs on the internet when I stumbled across a blog call, and yes this is its actual name, “Brad’s Entertainment Blog”. Yes you can tell how much creativity went into creating that title. But making fun of his blogs title aside I found a blog on there that I found rather interesting, it was called, why sharing your ideas helps. After reading through it I connected it back to one of my earlier blogs, how to get through writers block, and I felt like one of the points I made in that blog I could look at from a different point and that was the idea of asking others for help or the another way sharing your ideas.
     See there are two reasons why I believe that people should share their ideas. One of them, is that you get another angle at what you’re writing, now let me explain. See when you are writing anything a book, a script, heck even a blog post most of the time you are writing from your beliefs or mindset, so sometimes it’s hard to step back and see the real picture. So if you ask another person about that idea you can get another view from another person’s mindset, and the more people you ask the more viewpoints you get. The more viewpoints you get the more diverse your writing will be.
     The other reason I feel that people should share their ideas is because of editing. Now I understand more people think, ‘oh I know how to edit I was taught this in high school so I don’t need to have someone else check it”. Trust me I’m in high school and some people do sound like that. But the reason I say this even though it seems really cliché it will make your writing better. Now when you’re writing anything you feel proud of it and can look over some simple mistakes, I will admit I have done this a lot so getting someone else to look at your work will make it better.

     So I do feel that people should share their ideas more, now there are many more reasons why I think people should share ideas, but we would be here all day if I wrote that. So instead I am going to leave you with a small warning about sharing ideas. Even though there are many positives to sharing ideas you do have to be careful with whom you share it with because that might end up biting you in the butt.  

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