Sunday, November 1, 2015

Book review: The Dragons Series by Chris D' Lancey

                While looking for more topics this week I turned to my book shelf of way to many books for inspiration. While I was looking I found one of the first series I ever read, the dragon series written by Chris D’ Lacey. This was the first book series that truly blew my mind as a kid so what I am going to do is kind of take a trip down memory lane and tell you guys why these books truly left an impression on me.  
                The first real reason these books were amazing to me was because they were the first books that I read that were longer than 50 pages, the first book alone is over 300. Yes looking back now the books are obviously written for a younger kid and most of the books I could read in an afternoon, but to my eight year old self, these books were a type of entertainment that could last me up to three weeks.
                Another reason these books have such a huge place in my memory is for its story. Back in elementary school when I read these, most books were the same, they had similar plots of a hero had to save world, or someone was in danger, etc. But with the dragon series Chris D’ Lacey took this idea, threw it the trash and created something that just blew my mind. He used a completely normal person in one of the strangest situations you could think of, and showed you how he thought they would react, and as a kid it blew my mind. I know have been using that phrase a lot but it is the only way I know how to describe it.
                The final reason these books blew my mind was the ending. See when you’re in elementary school, most books have the same ending. The hero defeats the villain and everything goes back to normal, the end. But the dragon series, it didn’t do that. (Spoiler for the end of the series, but since this is a 14 year old series I hope you don’t mind because if you haven’t read it by now you probably won’t). From what I remember as a kid each book left you at a cliffhanger until the last book. And what doe Chris D’ Laney do, he kills main character. When I read that part as a kid I stopped and I’m pretty sure I was so mad because it changed the way books worked for me. But looking back it, it was a stroke of genius and it worked so well.

                Now that is where I end my story and most of you are probably wondering why I wrote about this. The reason I decided to write a blog about this is for one main reason. I feel that kids’ books now a days are to cookie cutter, there all the same and I feel that kids need a diverseness when it comes to books because if not what is going to entertain them?  

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