Thursday, February 18, 2016


I hope that everyone remembers the game that almost every one played as kids. The game always was asking each other “if you could have any super power what would it be?” The idea of super powers and super heroes has been around for such a long time almost every knows about them. The reason for this blog is because I am doing a piece all about super powers and I wanted to talk about why I feel that more stories should include the idea of people having superpowers.

I know that the idea of superpowers got there major debut in comic books but I have a feeling that the idea of superpowers has been around for so much longer. So I don’t get why the idea of superpowers have been stuck in mainly comic books. Now don’t get me wrong there are probably some books that use the idea of superpowers but not a lot. I mean a lot of books use the idea of “special abilities or powers” but they never really say anyone has actually superpowers.

Now you see I feel that the idea of super powers shouldn’t be only stuck in the idea of comic books. The reason I feel this is because everyone knows the idea of superpowers and I feel an actual book that talks about people with superpowers would do really well. If comic books about people with super powers or T.V shows about people with super powers or even movies that show people with super powers why couldn’t a book about people with actual super powers sell well?

Now the only problem with this entire idea is that getting the people picture of what the powers you create look like, or what the scenery looks like, or even what your characters look like. See the reason why comic books, T.V. shows, and movies do really well selling is because that they don’t have to worry about using a huge amount of imagery because they can use pictures and video. But the problem with books is that you don’t have all of that so you have to use a lot of imagery.

So I hope that this gives some new authors some idea on what to write a book about. I personally feel that if someone were to write a book about people with actual super powers it would sell extremely, extremely well.     

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