Thursday, February 25, 2016

Comedy in writing

Oh you can’t tell that everyone doesn’t love a good old joke. Well I sure do, especially when it is in writing. Comedy in writing provides that relief from the serious. It can tone down the tension is a situation, boots your characters morale, heck you can even get a chuckle out of your audience.
Personally when it comes to comedy in writing I love it, but there are a few down sides to comedy.

1. Too much/ too little

See when it comes to comedy you have to be subtle when it comes to it. (Unless your book is focused on comedy). Too much comedy and everyone thinks your book is joke (literarily).  Too little comedy, and the book could become too boring for some readers.  So you have to find that right mix of comedy and seriousness for you book. And it is different for every book.

2. Not everyone gets a joke

See when it comes to using comedy you have to understand that not everyone well find your sense of humor funny and some people just don’t have a sense of humor at all. So you have to be willing to take some back lash on some of the jokes you make. But if a lot of people like your style of comedy, you can get a lot of praise for it.

3. Type of Comedy

See you can use comedy as much as you need in a book, but be careful in where you put it. You can NOT put a joke right in the middle of a serious scene where one of your characters is dying (unless it fits the tone of your book). Or you can NOT have your characters in the final battle defeating the main evil of your book, and have one of your characters in the back cracking pointless jokes the entire time (again unless it fits the tone of your book or fits the tone of the character) it just doesn’t make sense.

So I hope that this blog help some people crack a joke in some of their books. Or maybe even got them to think about adding some comedy to their books that they never thought they would add. And let me leave with a warning, watch how much comedy you use. Now if you will please excuse me I now need to leave the building.

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