Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Play Writing in Depth (Part 7: Final)

Welcome back to Play Writing in Depth part 7. Yes this is finally the last part of this 7 part series, so your probably wondering, what is this last part about? So this part is going to be mainly talking about everything that has to deal with getting your script out there into the world. So you have finally created this masterpiece of a script so what do you do now. Well there are a few options for you.

1. (this is mainly for high school students only) ask your school to help you put it on.

If you personally have been with the blog for a long time you will remember me talking about my school’s student directed one acts way back in the blog writing and rejection. Even though my script wasn’t selected it is still a great way for you to get your play out there. It also serves a second purpose which is allowing students to try their hand at directing instead of acting.

2. Find a local acting troupe to put on your show.

Many, many small acting troupes are always looking for new shows to put on. So if you go to them and give them your script they would most likely be willing to think about it at least. Now with this tactic you do have to be willing to get rejected from time to time but if it does work out for you, it could end up being a very good thing.

3. Try entering a competition.

See this is a little difficult because finding the competitions. See I know of a few play writing competitions around the country so if you can find one throw yourself in there and see what happens, but do be careful about being denied again.

4. Put it on yourself.

See this is the hardest of the four methods but it still possible. Now the problem comes with finding everything, a stage, actors, tech, and etc. But if you can pull it off it is the most satisfying of the four ways.

So that is it. This is the conclusion of the series Play Writing in Depth. I do thank you guys for sticking through this 7 part series but I felt that was how many parts it needed and I truly could have done even more parts but I knew by then it would have gotten really old and really boring.    

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