Sunday, February 21, 2016

Music in T.V., Plays, and Movies

That beautiful, wonderful, amazing sound that is known as music. Music can be used in so many different ways especially in Plays, Movies and T.V shows. So what is music used for? Well many things, to create tension and emotion, to add some flavor to a scene, or even just some background noise. Music can truly help create emotion or tension in plays, Movies and T.V shows. You see music can make you feel happy or sad or mad and many other emotions. Now this helps in plays, Movies and T.V shows because helps portrays the emotion of each scene. Now is it absolutely necessary to have music in every scene? No, not at all. Sometimes the best music is pure silence. The next that music can do is create or add some flavor to a scene in a Play, in Movies and in T.V shows. See music is like that little hit of spice added to things to give them that little humph (if you catch my drift). An action scene is still really cool with fighting, explosions, and some kick ass quotes, but imagine that was just it, think of how bad that scene would be. Or imagine a very emotional scene that has no talking but a beautiful symphony orchestra playing in the background. Take out the music and then you just have your characters staring at each other for 3 minutes not saying anything. Just picture how awkward that would be. So without music you would have really boring action scenes, and really awkward emotional scenes. Finally music can be used just as background music or for plays transition music (this part will mainly be focusing on plays). So with every form of preformed literature it is just nice to have something else to listen besides the dialogue. Now for plays when you need to transition to another scene entirely it’s very helpful to have music there. For one it helps tell your audience you are moving to another place or scene, and two it helps keep your audience enticed while your techies need to get props in and out. So I hope that this blog post helps future play writes and movie directors, and T.V. show producers make sure that you keep the idea of music to make sure that us your audience doesn’t get bored.            

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