Thursday, November 12, 2015

That Old Reading Slump

Another blog Inspired by Pop Culture for Days, here we come.  So while I was doing my weekly read through of blogs I found a blog posted by my good friend Rowan, How to Get through That Reading Slump. I read through the post and thought about it a little, then came to the thought of hey I haven’t done anything with books in a while! So why not now!? But before I do start this post may sound a little similar to my getting over writers block post a few weeks back, because they are similar topics just so you know.

That “reading slump”, everyone has been there. You have just finished one of the best series you have ever read and then you think what’s next only to realize that it is the end. You get sad then have to trudge to your local library or bookstore to find the next new book to read. But when you get there you find that you have basically read everything that you know of. So what do you do? Well personally I have been in this situation way to many times to count and there is a few ways that I know that might be able to help.
                   1.       Ask around.

I bet you go to a library or bookstore and can’t find anything good to read ask other people. People will come up with books that you didn’t even know existed, or will tell you about a book that you thought would be meh but is actually pretty good.
                   2.       Look online for choices.

Now if option one doesn’t work for you because you are extremely anti-social or just don’t really care to talk to people, there is the internet. On here you can find book reviews on top of book reviews, even people make stories on the internet to tell people. But 2 things of caution. One be careful of what you search for, and two watch out for spoilers.
                   3.       Look for something outside your comfort zone.

      If for some odd reason either option 1 or 2 doesn’t work the only other idea I have for you is try something new. Step outside in to new genres and see what there is to explore.

            Well that’s all I have for you this time, I do hope this helps most people who read it. And if for some odd reason none of these ideas work for you post your own ideas in the comments. Finally I want to say thank you to Rowan over on Pop Culture for Days for helping me out.  

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