Sunday, April 3, 2016

Copyright Pt 3

So just so you guys know I just got back from a Show Choir vacation/competition in Nashville, Tennessee, and I am basically dead so do not except a lot of quality from this one. But speaking of show choir I am now going to talk about forms of copyright that you may not have thought of. (If you do not know what show choir is I am going to most likely covering the subject in a future blog).

So with show choir we have to pick all of our own music to preform, only problem is to preform that music we have to pay a thing called ROALTIES. For those of you who don’t know what those are they are basically a form of copy right which makes sure that you are giving money to the creator of that song., which is a good thing. So why did I mention show choir? Well I just got back from a thing called show choir nationals, which is where the best show choirs around the country come together and compete. So what the big deal?

Well we placed 6th out of 22 team, which is amazing, but there is a small problem. The team that beat us for fifth place didn’t pay royalties for the music they used, and they got caught, but after it was only after the awards they got caught. So what happens now? I here you all asking behind your computer screens. Well they will most likely be sued and have to pay the royalties and a fine, that’s it. That is all they have to do. (If this wasn’t a high school blog this and the next few sentences would have a lot more color to them). Seriously, there trophies don’t get taken away, they don’t get banned from competing, they just have to pay money, and that is it.

I personally feel that there should be more done, if a school is caught breaking copyright, then just paying money that trying to get out of. But what do I know I am just a teenage boy sitting behind a computer screen. So I am going to ask you. What do you think should happen to the school? Should they just pay the money and be done, or should there be more? Go ahead and answer down in the comments. I would love to discuss it with you guys. 

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