Sunday, April 3, 2016

Copyright Pt 2

Welcome to part 2 everybody, and just to warn you now there will be a part three to this but it will actually not be related to other 2 in anyway except for the subject matter of copyright. Now with that out of the way let’s get back to me ranting about copyright.

If you are just now joining us I would recommend going back to part 1 and reading that first. With that out of the way let me answer the questions I left you with from the last part. No I don’t believe that YouTube should get rid of their copyright system.

Now don’t get me wrong YouTube’s copyright system is one of the worst things in the world, but it is necessary, let me explain. Even though YouTube’s copyright system is worse than getting stung by a thousand hornets there is a reason for it. Copyright is used to help protect its user from those people who are breaking copyright law, so yes it can actually stop people from making money off of someone else’s work that they didn’t have permission to use. So yes copyright is a good thing, it helps people make sure that they get the credit (and money) they deserve, and it doesn’t need to go away, but YouTube’s copyright system does still need a little help.

And when I say little help, I mean a lot of help, and when I say a lot of help, I truly mean that the old system needs to be completely thrown out the window and completely re-worked. Instead of having a completely automated system who has to guess if people are breaking copyright, maybe YouTube could get a certified team that actually looks for people who are breaking copyright laws. Or even better keep the automated system but get a team together to help out those small time YouTuber’s, who get falsely claimed of breaking copyright and get there videos back. Or help brand new YouTuber’s who may not understand copyright yet, and didn’t know that they were breaking copyright law and just help them fix it.

See YouTube there is a way to fix your copyright problem. I respect that you at least have a copyright system in place, but come on YouTube, you should know by now that your copyright system needs work. So now we finally move on the part 3 of copyright. 

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