Sunday, December 6, 2015

Play Review: The Heartless Giant

This week was show week for me at my high school, and we did a very interesting play. See my High school every year puts on a winter show for little kids, and this year we did a played called The Heartless Giant, and was written by one of our teachers Mike Moran. See the show the good, the acting was great, the music was phenomenal (and that is being a little bias because I was the percussion for the show), but it was the story itself that was very interesting. See The Heartless Giant is based off of a Norwegian folk tale, which is weird in itself but it gets weirder. But before I do go any further I do want to say that this play is still great, but I feel that there was a few things that could be changed.
Another reason this play is weird is just because of the tittle itself, The Heartless Giant. The reason I personally think this is because the tittle can have two meanings. The first meaning, that it could have possibly been and that I thought it was when I first saw the script was supposed to be a giant that was mean and didn’t care for anything, and that the play was supposed to be about teaching a giant how not to be heartless and care, I was totally wrong. The other meaning that was used in the play was that the giant truly had not heart in its body. Which for a kid watching makes sense, but for someone like me being in high school and reading and preforming this play I personally felt that it was a huge missed opportunity by the author to make the tittle could show a little more of the story.
The other thing I found weird was that there really wasn’t a lot of adult humor. Now don’t get me wrong this is not me condoning the practice of kids watching adult humor, but when you see anything kid oriented most of the time there is at least a little bit of adult humor that the kids aren’t supposed to get but everyone in high school gets. But in the heartless giant there really wasn’t any, now don’t get me wrong the play was fine without it but again I feel it was a missed opportunity.
So there was my take on what could have gone better in the musical I was just in, and mister Moran if you do read this please take these as constructive criticism and not me bashing on your script.


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