Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ad Analyses

I hate doing ad Analysis. So in my advanced placement language we just finished up doing ad analysis for a grade, and I literally hated almost every second thing, and that is not an understatement. So for those lucky enough not to have ever had to do an ad analysis I will briefly give you definition of what it is. So basically you pick out a single ad take a bunch of terms from sentence structure, imagery, tone, etc. and you try to find examples of it in the ad and then find how the ad is trying to sell you the product. And let me tell you it is one of the most soul wrenching, most boring I have ever done. Three major reasons, it’s boring, it’s long and it’s over complicated.

See ad analysis is not one of the most boring things I have ever done. I would rather watch paint dry, because I have actually done it and it was more fun. Ad analysis is you basically staring at an hour for four hours and then trying to figure out what it all means. I feel like Jason trying to figure out “what do the numbers mean”. (If you don’t get that joke don’t worry it is a video game reference from call of duty black ops so if you don’t know that game do not worry).

And like I said early a major reason why ad analysis is so boring is because it is so long. If I had to spend maybe thirty minutes on it I might enjoy or just be ok with doing it. But like I said, I am pretty sure I clocked in at over 4 hours minimum of ad analysis, and that was just from analyzing one advertisement and I didn’t even get in everything I wanted to get in because I was already at two page paper and I didn’t want to write anymore, I am also pretty sure I fried my by brain doing it.

And ad analysis wouldn’t be so bad and so long if it wasn’t so complicated. With how many terms and examples and how long the paper had to be it was just stupid complicated. I did 4-5 drafts of that paper, now I know that doesn’t sound like a lot but for me I usually only need one or two drafts before I am ready to write my.

So yes I hate ad analysis, and I feel bad for anyone who had to go through this. If you haven’t had to go through this, one you’re lucky, two I hate you. And if you are an L.A. teacher (besides my own) please tell me why you make your students go through this torture. So there is my rant about why I hate ad analysis.        

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