Writing, it’s one of the hardest
and yet most rewarding things to do. It’s hard because you have to put yourself
through some of your darkest moments, reliving your past, to putting yourself
in situations you hope and pray you never have to go through. But writing is
also one of the most rewarding things. It gives you an amazing sense of pride
and joy when someone comes up to you and says, “Man I truly love what you write”,
or, “hey your writing has changed my life for the better”. But there is one
thing about writing that is the hardest thing to deal with. It like the dark shadow
of writing, the thing that no one want’s to talk about or admit that it exists.
And that is having your writing be rejected by someone.
Having a piece of writing rejected is one of the worst feelings in the world. It feels like someone just ripped your heart and soul right out of you. It feels like someone took your life story read through and then said, “Nah this isn’t good enough for me”, and then throws your story right back at you. It’s horrible, but sometimes it is necessary. Sometimes you need that smack from reality telling you that something needs to be fixed. So don’t get me wrong rejection sucks but sometimes rejection can make your writing stronger and make you a better author.
Let me give you a few examples of how rejection have led to success in people’s life. Some of the most popular authors in the world had their books rejected. Even J.K Rowling the author of the very famous book series Harry Potter had it rejected many, many times before finally someone read it and said, “Wow this is a good book”. Now take what I say with a grain of salt I’m not saying that if your writing keeps getting rejected again and again doesn’t mean that you will become some world renowned author, but getting rejected does build another thing determination.
Let me give you a weird example, acting. At the high school I go to I’m personally trying to be an actor, but for the three years that I have tried out for plays I have only made chorus twice and one very minor role, but I keep trying and you want to know why, because it builds determination. Even my schools director has noticed it so he has been giving me more responsibly in the theater world. So don’t take every rejection as, “oh I suck”, take it as “what can I do better”.
So yes rejection sucks but it’s not
the end of the world. Maybe you got rejected because you didn’t have what there
were looking for, or maybe they just didn’t see enough the first time through. So
don’t give up after just one rejection but keep trying and maybe after the
fifth, sixth time getting rejected go back and see what you can fix.
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